Why Bl.
Finding happiness, calming the racing mind, positive/healthy thinking, proper breathing, emotional awareness, physical and mental recovery are just some of the focuses I believe are consistently missed when working with regular coaches. Learning and mastering certain techniques and tools that often times only professionals have access to. This inspired me to start a program that's accessible for everyone to use in there everyday life.
I'm a current semi professional hockey player having played for teams across the world. As a certified health and performance instructor able to offer you personal coaching on how to get you to your peak performance level. This is not only for athletes, but for anyone looking to strengthen their mental health, physical performance and become the most powerful version of themselves.
Suffering from anxiety, depression, self doubts and negative self talk - these tools have taught me how to deal with these problems and just LET LIFE BE.
the Process.
the 3 pillars.
- Boosted / more energy
- Improved blood circulation / helps with mobility in hands and feet
- Improved physical ability / mobility
- Better sleep quality
- Stronger immune system
- Reduced inflammation
- Faster physical recovery (injuries/soreness)
- Emotional control
- Reduced anxiety & stress
- Improved focus & concentration
- Calmer mindset / self aware
- Positive self talk